Kuna m6ndadele ei meeldinud, et kirjutan inglise keeles, kirjutan m6ned postitused inglise keeles, m6ned eesti keeles.
Reede oli suht chillax. Mul oli plaanis vahetada oma Calculuse klass Algebra II-ks. Niisiis l2ksin counselori juurde ja r22kisin oma plaanist. Enne seda pidin oma schedule change vormi 2ra t2itma-erk roosa paber, kuhu kirjutad mis ainet tahad mille vastu vahetada ja siis korjad oma vanematelt, endalt ja aine 6petajalt allkirja. Enne counselori juurde p22su pead sa hall passi saama(koridori luba vms.) Igas nurgas istuvad 6petajad ja k8sivad su luba. Tegelikult oli mul plaanis siin kuidagi see high school 2ra l6petada p2rast seda aastat, sest see on 8litsill. Palju pulli saab koolis koguaeg. R22kides counseloriga otsustasin et ei l6peta nendega ja siis sain uue tunniplaani, kus esimeseks tunniks oli mul algebra II. L2ksin oma calculuse klassi, v6tsin kodinad ja tormasin oma uude klassi, kus parasjagu k2is pingeline testi tegemine. V6tsin koha 8he 8ksiku laua taha ja n2gin paari tuttavat s66klast ja cross country klassist. Kes veel ei tea, siis ma vahetasin oma marching bandi maratoni vastu. Seal on 8li chillax. Koguaeg jookseme ja teeme pulli.
Millest ma tegelikult r22kida tahtsin, on see et 6htul k2isime Erikuga Bishop Arts'i teatris 8hel kontserdil. Erik tegi piletid v2lja. Cool. Kontserdi andis Wanda Jackson, kes oli Elvis Presley pruut ja just tuli tagasi Adele tuurilt, kus ta oli Adele soojendusartist. Ta ise on 73 AASTAT VANA! Ja rokib nagu vana rokipeer. Minge googeldage teda, v2ga muhe t2di. Kontserdil sai nalja ja rahvas lihtsalt 66tsus ja plaksutas kaasa. Inimesed on siin v2g avatud, v6rreldes t88piliste eestlastega. P2rast seda l2ksime ruttu Walmarti et mulle mingisugused jooksujalatsid osta. Sain mingisusgused 20 dollariga:D P6hjus miks neid 88sel ostma l2ksime, oli selles, et mul oli j2rgmise p2eva, ehk laup2eva varahommikul cross country v6istlus, kuhu ma ei viitsinud l6puks minna. Kurat, mingi 06:15 hommikul pead juba koolis olema, et bussiga kuskile kaugele s6ita. Peaks mingi vabanduse treenerile m6tlema. Loodame et v2ga pissed pole.
M6ned random faktid ruttu:
*Kui eestlased kasutavad 6pikute kaitseks pakkepaberit, on ameeriklastel mingisugune riie 8mber.
*Autodel peab olema ainult tagumine auto number, esimene pole kohustuslik.
*V2ga paljudel autodel on mingid m6lgid vms. Paljud 6pilased ostavad omale autosid oma raha eest, mille nad teenivad kuskil restoranis ettekandjana. M6ned ostavad endale m6lgitud autosid, sest need on odavamad. Kradi imelik eks :D
*Kodudel on kas seinas filmist tuntud v6red vms, mis on konditsioneerid.
*V2ga populaarsed on siin ribikardinad, mis on koguaeg kinni, et vargad ei n2eks, mis toas on.
*Kui paljud r22givad, et oi USA's on k6ik nii odav, pean ma selle tagasi l8kkama, sest mina pole k8ll kuskil v2ga odavaid asju n2inud. Paljud asjad on isegi kallimad kui eestis. Elektroonikast r22kides on hinnad k8ll jah madalal.
*Ilma autota ei saa pmst mitte kuskile :D
*Raamatute laenutamine k2ib siin nii, et 8hes klassis viib 6petaja oma 6pilased raamatukokku, kus raamatukogu t2di tutvustab raamatukogu jne. Siis peame valime raamatu, kus on v2hemalt 250 lehek8lge. Minul toimus see inglise keele klassis(11. klassi inglise keel).
*Ilm on siin v2ga kahtlane. 8hel p2eval on 42 kraadi, teisel p2eval mingi 20. Ikkagi v2ga m6nus
*Tolmuimejad on samused nagu filmidest tuttavad: all in one ehk siis mingit toru pole, k6ik on 8hes t8kis.
*v2ga paljud pole k2inud isegi Texasest v2ljas.
*Pakutud on ka, et Eesti asub aasias.
*V2ga paljud on vaimustuses, kui 6elda et oled Euroopast. Euroopa on neile sama m6istega nagu paljudele USA. hehe
Kle praegu ei ole midagi meeles, vb hakkan 2ra harjuma selle eluga ja k6ik tundub norm. Hoian oma silmapilud lahti ja 6ritan m2rgata igast v2iksemat detaili et teile siia ette kanda.
Pole siiani saanud oma objektiivi, aga 8ritan kuidagi ome pilte teha. Loodan et Erik laenab oma digikat vms.
I'll keep you updated!!
Kõik muutub. Aastaks.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Olen siiani elus :D
Hola, teile, kes te juba vihaselt ootate j2rgmist postitust.
P6hjus, miks ma kirjutanud pole on vist selles, et pole viimasel ajal aega olnud ja ka tahtmises vahepeal hehe. Aga muidu olen elus.
UUDIS! N88dsest hakkan k6ik oma blogid inlise keeles kirjutama, et ma saaksin kiiremini sellesse sulanduda ja v6imalikult v2he eesti keelt r22kida, kuna paljudel V6P-idel on selline asi, et nad juba m6tlevad inglise keeles. Ma olen ka juba sinna poole j6udmas omadega. V2ga imelik tunne on:D
So, it's September 2th and FRIDAY! (Don't mind, if I'm making horrible mistakes in my writing. Thats why I'm here: TO LEARN!)
At september 1st, it was Matt's birthday and random schoolday. Every friday we have a bunch of tests/quizzes. So, Pre-Calculus test felt like Sci-Fi. Bounded on its domain, bounded above, even, odd or neighter. What the hell is that? You can guess 100 times, what grade i got.... a big zero and 39 or something.
Also, it was my FIRST football game in my entire life. It was somewhere 10 minutes away from school, so Erik dropped me off there. The field was enormous! Very big! As I always say: like in movies. The thing what I learned from the game is that teenagers usually go to the game to hang out, chat etc. They're not watching the game in real excitement. Just sometimes, if a football gamer is getting really close to the goal, then they get crazy! That's awesome!
After the game Paige, Alex and Shannon invited me to someones flat to just chill out and stuff. So we took Alex's and Paige's car and drove to the place. The apartments are just like in movies i think. hah. Thing that is weird, is they wear their shoes in room, even if it's soft white carpet. Lol.
So we hung out about 1,5 hours and then Shannon had to go home, bcs her parents are really strict. That sucks. Alex drove me to one gas station, where Erik picked me up and we went to Erik's friend birthday party some blox away. After that, we went home. I was extremely tired. This is normal because of the language. You have to translate a lots of sentences from english to estonian daily and this is freaking tiring, really.
(It's still about 40 degrees Celsius, here in Dallas)
September 3rd, Saturday. Wendy's place and celebrating matt's birthday.
We were celebrating Matt's birthday in Fort Worth, which is about 40 minutes away from Oak Cliff(place where i live). We ate out somewhere in really good restaurant. Had really good meal though. Took a picture of it too. With my phone's crappy camera. After that, we went somewhere in Watergardens in Fort Worth downtown. It was really awesome: There was a deep deep hole, the whole thing was stepped, so it was like falls. Really beautiful at night! At the centre in the deep there was a little pool, where the water gathered. Then we went to Wendy's place and had a good time.
My english is increasing every week, day and hour. It's awesome!!
September 4th, Sunday. Camille's place and at the movies.
We, Erik and Matt went to Camille's place, where we met Camille, Brandon and Jacob. Made some good food and ate. I was so full again. Then we went to Camille's apartment community pool. Spent about 2 hours there, swimming and having fun. lol. Camille is hilarious! After the pool we went back to the flat and played Chinese Checkers. Then we went to the movies in Northpark Mall. Movie ticket costs about 12 dollars. So we were watching movie named "Don't be afraid of the darkness" Camille was shocked during the movie. She is in fear of horror movies. The whole audience echoed of her screaming. It was so funny! haha. Me and Erik couldn't stop laughing. Had a blast, obviously.:)
I'm not going to write about every day here. It's too much for me right now, but:
September 7th, Wednesday. It's just awesome
Today's schoolday was really awesome. We had other teacher replacing our spanish teacher, so we had fun in the class. The teacher wasn't strict at all. Everybody was just hanging and chatting. So was biology class. We had a blast! Actually biology class is my favourite too. At night we went to Brandon and Jacob's place with Erik to chill out. I rtied to play piano. I suck now. Havent played a while.
September 8th, Thursday. At home.
I didn't fell very well, so I stayed home. I woke up like 11:30 and just lyed on bed for like one hour. Took some leftovers from the fridge and tried to skype to my parents. We were talking about the laptop stuff and I still really want macbook. So we decided that if I want to have a my real own macbook, then I need to wait til christmas or so. BUT, I can find a cheap replacemant from eBay, til I finally get my own. I love my parents! Not only for that. You know :D
At afternoon we had a dinner with Erik and his teacher-friends. One friend brought his exchange student too. She is Mila from Finland. Really beutiful and nice girl.
September 9th, Friday. Football game!
It's friday! So it's football game again. This time W.T. White vs. Grand Prairie. After school I hung out with Paige And Shannon. Had really good food at Chick-fil-a. Chicken nuggets and french fries. Delicious!
Football game: The game was awesome. We won again. But the most important thin is that when we went to buy some sodas from the buffet, one stupid kid was playing with a big rock and accidentially threw it to my forehead. Damn. First I thought it was just a football. Then the others said that it was the freaking rock on my face. Nothing really severe happened, but my head ached next days randomly..
September 10th, Saturday. YFU orientation
Woke up about 9:30am to get to the orientation in Flower Mound. The track was pretty crappy, so we were a little late. It was at someone's big house. Pretty nice. But it's too far away from downtown. I like my neighbourhood. That's so cool. When I finally get the lens for my camera. i will take a pictures of it. The orientation was pretty same as was the orientation in Estonia. Only the people were different. Met cool dude from Japan. We had one lesson in the garden. I think that I was half sitting on the shadow, so I got sunburned on my left hand. AND some kind of sunstroke or something. Nothing severe. Lucky :D
There's too much to talk about. Lemme take more time for it. It's getting late again:/
Next week I hopefully get my lens. See you soon!
P6hjus, miks ma kirjutanud pole on vist selles, et pole viimasel ajal aega olnud ja ka tahtmises vahepeal hehe. Aga muidu olen elus.
UUDIS! N88dsest hakkan k6ik oma blogid inlise keeles kirjutama, et ma saaksin kiiremini sellesse sulanduda ja v6imalikult v2he eesti keelt r22kida, kuna paljudel V6P-idel on selline asi, et nad juba m6tlevad inglise keeles. Ma olen ka juba sinna poole j6udmas omadega. V2ga imelik tunne on:D
So, it's September 2th and FRIDAY! (Don't mind, if I'm making horrible mistakes in my writing. Thats why I'm here: TO LEARN!)
At september 1st, it was Matt's birthday and random schoolday. Every friday we have a bunch of tests/quizzes. So, Pre-Calculus test felt like Sci-Fi. Bounded on its domain, bounded above, even, odd or neighter. What the hell is that? You can guess 100 times, what grade i got.... a big zero and 39 or something.
Also, it was my FIRST football game in my entire life. It was somewhere 10 minutes away from school, so Erik dropped me off there. The field was enormous! Very big! As I always say: like in movies. The thing what I learned from the game is that teenagers usually go to the game to hang out, chat etc. They're not watching the game in real excitement. Just sometimes, if a football gamer is getting really close to the goal, then they get crazy! That's awesome!
After the game Paige, Alex and Shannon invited me to someones flat to just chill out and stuff. So we took Alex's and Paige's car and drove to the place. The apartments are just like in movies i think. hah. Thing that is weird, is they wear their shoes in room, even if it's soft white carpet. Lol.
So we hung out about 1,5 hours and then Shannon had to go home, bcs her parents are really strict. That sucks. Alex drove me to one gas station, where Erik picked me up and we went to Erik's friend birthday party some blox away. After that, we went home. I was extremely tired. This is normal because of the language. You have to translate a lots of sentences from english to estonian daily and this is freaking tiring, really.
(It's still about 40 degrees Celsius, here in Dallas)
September 3rd, Saturday. Wendy's place and celebrating matt's birthday.
We were celebrating Matt's birthday in Fort Worth, which is about 40 minutes away from Oak Cliff(place where i live). We ate out somewhere in really good restaurant. Had really good meal though. Took a picture of it too. With my phone's crappy camera. After that, we went somewhere in Watergardens in Fort Worth downtown. It was really awesome: There was a deep deep hole, the whole thing was stepped, so it was like falls. Really beautiful at night! At the centre in the deep there was a little pool, where the water gathered. Then we went to Wendy's place and had a good time.
My english is increasing every week, day and hour. It's awesome!!
September 4th, Sunday. Camille's place and at the movies.
We, Erik and Matt went to Camille's place, where we met Camille, Brandon and Jacob. Made some good food and ate. I was so full again. Then we went to Camille's apartment community pool. Spent about 2 hours there, swimming and having fun. lol. Camille is hilarious! After the pool we went back to the flat and played Chinese Checkers. Then we went to the movies in Northpark Mall. Movie ticket costs about 12 dollars. So we were watching movie named "Don't be afraid of the darkness" Camille was shocked during the movie. She is in fear of horror movies. The whole audience echoed of her screaming. It was so funny! haha. Me and Erik couldn't stop laughing. Had a blast, obviously.:)
I'm not going to write about every day here. It's too much for me right now, but:
September 7th, Wednesday. It's just awesome
Today's schoolday was really awesome. We had other teacher replacing our spanish teacher, so we had fun in the class. The teacher wasn't strict at all. Everybody was just hanging and chatting. So was biology class. We had a blast! Actually biology class is my favourite too. At night we went to Brandon and Jacob's place with Erik to chill out. I rtied to play piano. I suck now. Havent played a while.
September 8th, Thursday. At home.
I didn't fell very well, so I stayed home. I woke up like 11:30 and just lyed on bed for like one hour. Took some leftovers from the fridge and tried to skype to my parents. We were talking about the laptop stuff and I still really want macbook. So we decided that if I want to have a my real own macbook, then I need to wait til christmas or so. BUT, I can find a cheap replacemant from eBay, til I finally get my own. I love my parents! Not only for that. You know :D
At afternoon we had a dinner with Erik and his teacher-friends. One friend brought his exchange student too. She is Mila from Finland. Really beutiful and nice girl.
September 9th, Friday. Football game!
It's friday! So it's football game again. This time W.T. White vs. Grand Prairie. After school I hung out with Paige And Shannon. Had really good food at Chick-fil-a. Chicken nuggets and french fries. Delicious!
Football game: The game was awesome. We won again. But the most important thin is that when we went to buy some sodas from the buffet, one stupid kid was playing with a big rock and accidentially threw it to my forehead. Damn. First I thought it was just a football. Then the others said that it was the freaking rock on my face. Nothing really severe happened, but my head ached next days randomly..
September 10th, Saturday. YFU orientation
Woke up about 9:30am to get to the orientation in Flower Mound. The track was pretty crappy, so we were a little late. It was at someone's big house. Pretty nice. But it's too far away from downtown. I like my neighbourhood. That's so cool. When I finally get the lens for my camera. i will take a pictures of it. The orientation was pretty same as was the orientation in Estonia. Only the people were different. Met cool dude from Japan. We had one lesson in the garden. I think that I was half sitting on the shadow, so I got sunburned on my left hand. AND some kind of sunstroke or something. Nothing severe. Lucky :D
There's too much to talk about. Lemme take more time for it. It's getting late again:/
Next week I hopefully get my lens. See you soon!
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